Under Review, Revision, Or In Preparation
*Shared first authorship
West, T. N., Jolink, T., Feldman, M., Alvarez, G., Cardenas, M., Fredrickson, B.L., & Muscatell, K. (under review). Seeking Positive Connection: Is Inflammation Associated with Anticipated and Experienced Shared Positive Affect between Close vs Non-Close Others?
Jolink, T. A.*, Feldman, M.J.*, Cardenas, M.N., Antenucci, N.M., West, T.N., Muscatell, K.A. (under review) The effect of a mild inflammatory challenge on cytokines and sickness behavior: A randomized controlled trial using the influenza vaccine.
Antenucci, N., Feldman, M.J., Jolink, T.A., West, T.N., Cardenas, M.N, Alvarez, G.M., Muscatell, K. (in prep). Inflammatory Reactivity to the Influenza Vaccine Is Associated with Decreased Trust of Racialized Out-Group Members. STATUS: final revisions
Feldman, M. J., MacCormack, J. K., Lindquist, K.A. (in prep). Using representational similarity analysis with a property association task to model the structure of negative emotion concept knowledge. STATUS: drafting
Feldman, M.J., Bauer, D.J. (in prep). Multiple Membership Models for Testing Dyadic Similarity in Social Networks: A Tutorial in R and SAS. STATUS: drafting
In press or print
Field, N. H., Balkind, E., Burnell, K., Feldman, M., Fox, K., Nick, E., Lindquist, K., Telzer, E., Prinstein, M.J. (in press). Popularity, but not likeability, as a risk factor for low empathy: A longitudinal examination of within- and between-person effects of peer status and empathy in adolescence. Developmental Psychology. CRediT: Conceptualization, data curation, Writing – review & editing.
Feldman, M.J*, Capella, J.*, Bonar, A.S., Dai, J., Field, N., Lewis, K., Prinstein, M., Telzer, E., Lindquist, K.A (2024) Proximity within real world adolescent peer networks predicts neural similarity during affective experience. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. CRediT: Conceptualization, methodology, data curation, writing-original draft, visualization.
Alvarez, G., Jolink, T., West, T., Cardenas, M., Feldman, M. J., & Muscatell, K., (in press). Increases in IL-6 in response to the influenza vaccine is associated with decrements in rewarded inhibitory control. CRediT: Investigation, Writing - review & editing.
Feldman, M. J. Ma, R., & Lindquist, K. A. (in press). The role of interoception in emotion and social cognition. Chapter in Interoception: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer. CRediT: Conceptualization, Writing-Original Draft.
Tuck, A. B., Feldman, M. J., Lindquist, K. L., & Thompson, R. J. (2024). Social contexts are associated with higher emotional awareness than non-social contexts: Evidence in a sample of people with and without major depressive disorder. Emotion. CRediT: Conceptualization, formal analysis, visualization, writing-original draft. [Link]
Jolink, T. A., West, T. N., Alvarez, G. M., Cardenas, M. N., Feldman, M. J., Algoe, S. B., & Muscatell, K. A. (2024). Higher interleukin-6 is associated with greater momentary social connection in close relationships in daily life. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 164, 107020. CRediT: Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Investigation.
Feldman, M. J., Bliss-Moreau, E., & Lindquist, K. A. (2024). The neurobiology of interoception and affect. Trends Cogn Sci, S1364-6613(24)00009-3. CRediT: Conceptualization, Visualization, Writing - Review & Editing. [Link]
MacCormack, J. K., Feldman, M. J., Bonar, A. S., & Lindquist, K. A. (2023). Aging Bodies, Brains, and Emotions: The Physiological Hypothesis of Emotional Aging. In U. Hess, R. B. Adams, Jr., & R. E. Kleck (Eds.), Emotion Communication by the Aging Face and Body: A Multidisciplinary View (pp. 54–82). chapter, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. CRediT: Conceptualization, Writing-Original Draft. [Link]
Feldman, M. J., Jolink, T. A., Alvarez, G. M., Fendinger, N. J., Gaudier-Diaz, M. M., Lindquist, K. A., & Muscatell, K. A. (2023). The roles of inflammation, affect, and interoception in predicting social perception. Brain Behav Immun, 112, 246–253. CRediT: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft. [Link]
Lin, L., Feldman, M. J., Tudder, A., Gresham, A. M., Peters, B. J., & Dodell-Feder, D. (2023). Friends in sync? Examining the relationship between the degree of nonverbal synchrony, friendship satisfaction and support. J. Nonverbal Behav., 47(3), 361–384. CRediT: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Data Curation, Writing - Review & Editing.
Bonar, A. S., MacCormack, J. K., Feldman, M. J., & Lindquist, K. A. (2023). Examining the Role of Emotion Differentiation on Emotion and Cardiovascular Physiological Activity During Acute Stress. Affective science, 4(2), 317–331. CRediT: Formal analysis, Writing-Review & Editing. [Link]
Feldman, M. J., MacCormack, J. K., Bonar, A. S., & Lindquist, K. A. (2023). Interoceptive ability moderates the effect of physiological reactivity on social judgment. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 23(8), 2231–2242. CRediT: Formal analysis, visualization, writing-original draft. [Psyarxiv]
Feldman, M. J., Siegel, E., Barrett, L. F., Quigley, K. S., & Wormwood, J. B. (2022). Affect and Social Judgment: The Roles of Physiological Reactivity and Interoceptive Sensitivity. Affective science, 3(2), 464–479. CRediT: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Writing-Original Draft. [OSF]
Jolink, T. A., Fendinger, N. J., Alvarez, G. M., Feldman, M. J., Gaudier-Diaz, M. M., & Muscatell, K. A. (2022). Inflammatory reactivity to the influenza vaccine is associated with changes in automatic social behavior. Brain Behav Immun, 99, 339–349. CRediT: Project Administration, Investigation, Writing-Review & Editing. [Link]
Martinez, J. E., Feldman, L. A., Feldman, M. J., & Cikara, M. (2021). Narratives Shape Cognitive Representations of Immigrants and Immigration-Policy Preferences. Psych science, 32(2), 135–152. CRediT: Project Administration, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing-Original Draft. [Psyarxiv]
Kleckner, I. R.*, Feldman, M. J.*, Goodwin, M. S., & Quigley, K. S. (2021). Framework for selecting and benchmarking mobile devices in psychophysiological research. Behav Res Methods, 53(2), 518–535. CRediT: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing-Original Draft. [Link]
Hoemann, K*., Khan, Z*., Feldman, M. J., Nielson, C., Devlin, M., Dy, J., Barrett, L. F., Wormwood, J. B., & Quigley, K. S. (2020). Context-aware experience sampling reveals the scale of variation in affective experience. Scientific reports, 10(1), 12459. CRediT: Project Administration, Supervision, Investigation, Data Curation, Visualization, Writing-Original Draft. [Psyarxiv]
Theriault, J. E., Coleman, M., Feldman, M. J., Fridman, J. D., Sennesh, E., Barrett, L. F., & Quigley, K. S. (2020). Beginning with biology: "Aspects of cognition" exist in the service of the brain's overall function as a resource-regulator. Behav Brain Sci , 43, e26. CRediT: Conceptualization, Writing-Original Draft [Psyarxiv]